Pikesville Owings Mills Rotary Installs New President and Officers

On Thursday, July 7, 2022, Martin Mushambo was installed as the President of the Rotary Club of Pikesville-Owings Mills of Maryland by District Governor Elect Delores Edwards Harding. President Elect Bharat Kumar Peddu, Secretary Alexis Jones and Treasurer Jenny Kahn were also installed as the new officers of the club.

Area Governor Amir Kahn was also present for the ceremony, in addition to fellow Rotarians of the club and members of Martin’s family!

Martin has service projects planned and we are excited to see where he takes our club during his Presidency!

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Pikesville Rotary Installs New President

On Thursday, September 6, 2018, Dr. Nina Mezu-Nwaba was installed as the President of the Rotary Club of Pikesville-Owings Mills of Maryland by District Governor Richard Glover.

Area Governor Ed Podowski was also present for the ceremony, in addition to fellow Rotarians of the club and members of Dr. Mezu-Nwaba’s family!

Dr. Mezu-Nwaba states, “I’m inspired and promise to put service above self while inspiring others.” The installation day was also Dr. Nina Mezu-Nwaba’s parent’s 50th Wedding Anniversary (Golden Jubilee). We are excited to see where she takes our club during her time as president!

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